Sunday, June 24, 2012

Techniques to avoid interview mistake

Most often it is seen that people do some simple mistakes in interviews even though they did not know that they are making mistakes. But these mistakes can be avoided if interviewees follow some techniques. The techniques that might be helpful for the interviewees to avoid making mistakes in the interviews are as follows –
  • Arrogant Attitudes: Be especially careful about arrogance when you're interviewing with someone younger than you or if you're interviewing for positions that are a step or two down from your last role.
  • Unsuitable Behaviors: Interviewers have certain expectations about how you should act. These expectations fall in line with the rules of common courtesy. Being polite, businesslike, friendly, attentive and appropriate will stand you in good stead.
  • The Failure to Listen: Stay engaged in the give and take of the conversation. Ask clarifying questions when you need to. Give answers that are on point. Lean slightly forward. Maintain appropriate eye contact. These behaviors indicate you're actively listening.
  • Inappropriate Dress: Generally speaking blue jeans and flip flops are not appropriate dress for an interview. A general rule of thumb is to dress as you would when working in that job.
  • Bashing Former Employers: If you speak ill of a former manager the interviewer will assume you would do the same to him or her. Bad mouthing the company, manager or your former co-workers is always self defeating. You may be tempted to confide when the interviewer feels more like a friend than a decision maker but don't do it!
  • Asking Poor Questions: The only thing worse than asking poor questions is asking no questions at all. Good questions ask about what you can do for the company.
  • Inadequate Answers: It is surprising when candidates are unprepared to talk about themselves or their accomplishments. Interview questions seem to catch these people off guard or they give very short answers that don't convey much information. Interviewers interpret this behavior as laziness or disinterest.
  • Little or No Knowledge about the Company: Too many candidates interview with companies they know nothing about. If you can't be bothered to do basic research the interviewer will infer you're not willing to go the extra mile. The bigger the company, the more unforgivable this will be.
  • Forgetting the Interview is not over until Leaving the Building: There is nothing more heartbreaking than acing the interview only to blow it as you're leaving. This happens more than it should.
  • Leaving Interviews without Knowing What Happens Next: You need to know what happens next. Having this information will help keep you from fretting about an offer and more importantly it will facilitate effective follow-up.
  • First Impressions: Are you dressed appropriately? Is your hair style attractive? Are your fingernails clean and trimmed? Did you stroll into the interview on your cell phone? Make a good first impression and the interview won’t be lost from the beginning.
  • Be Careful All The Way: Yes, it sounds like this is just a little too much, but you can never be too careful in an interview. You want to eliminate anything and everything that might keep you from being considered for employment. Eliminate as many of the possible problem areas as you can so that the employer focuses on what you bring to the table in terms of qualifications.
  • Arrive on Time: This is an absolute must. To be sure you will make it on time, take a ride to the location a day or two before the interview so you know how to get there. Leave the house an hour earlier than you normally would, because traffic jams and bad weather happen at the worst times. Never arrive late.
  • Be professional: Professionalism is highly valued. Are you chewing gum, smoking or tapping your pen on your portfolio? Omit anything that might exclude you from further consideration as a potential job candidate.
  • Speak clearly and concisely: Remember the phrase, "Never use two words when one word will do." Address each person you meet as "Mr." or "Ms." and articulate your words using proper grammar. Also, keep your answers short and to the point.
  • Adapt to your interviewer: If you are lucky enough to have an informal and friendly interviewer, you will feel more relaxed and find it easier to give perfect answers. Just don't get so comfortable you forget why you're there!
  • Bring extra copies of your resume along with a separate list of your references,
  • More than likely your resume is what netted you the interview. However, being prepared with extra copies will allow you to make sure the interviewer has it to refer to. References do not get checked until a company is seriously interested in a candidate. If you are asked for your references in an interview, that’s great! Make sure you're able to supply them upon request.
  • Be Strategic With Your Questions,
  • Forgetting to ask how long the previous person was in the role will cause you to lose out on valuable information. This will tell you if everything was left in order. Having received the answer to all these questions, you may decide to politely excuse yourself and head for the exit.
  • If you are significantly under stress, you may wrongly read and remember simple things like the time or agreed place, or to charge your cell phone if it is a phone interview. This is a known feature of human psychology. How funny it may sound, check the time and place at least twice, better at different dates.
  • Your hand phone. It must be in one mode only and that is OFF. I don't think so. It's simply disrespectful.
  • Don't ask about benefits. This is immaterial in a first interview, even in a second. The salary, perks etc. will come onto the table and the hirer will offer these. You should not ask for it. 
  • Be in a good and natural mood. Smile, show interest and enthusiasm. Simply be positive in your body language and your speech. If you ooze positive energy it will rub off on everyone around you.
At last I can say that if we follow above mentioned points we can avoid interview mistake. I am sure that following above mentioned tips may make it easier for you to get the job.

You might look for some "Techniques of Interview"so that these mistake avoiding techniques would be helpful for you.


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